City of Richmond
Home MenuWater F.A.Q.'s
Is the water in Richmond safe to drink?
Yes! Our drinking water meets and exceeds all Federal and State drinking water requirements and our water systems are operated by State Certified operators. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is responsible for overseeing the state’s environmental areas, which includes the City of Richmond’s water quality. City staff and the TCEQ collects and analyzes water samples for metals, minerals, organic compounds, disinfectant byproduct compounds, and radiological compounds. The TCEQ has rated Richmond as having a “Superior” water system, its highest rating.
Where does my water come from?
Our drinking water is obtained from ground water sources. It comes from the Gulf Coast Aquifer. Your drinking water is produced from 5 ground water wells that vary in depth from 480 feet to 1,000 feet. The current total daily production is over 7,000,000 gallons per day.
I think I have a water leak, what should I do?
The homeowner is responsible for the pipes within the house, as well as the water service line from the house to the water meter box. If you think you have a leak, please call us first to request a leak investigation. You may contact our 24-hour line at (281) 342-0559..
Whom should I call if I notice water running down the street?
If you notice a leak or discharge of water, whether it is in the street, from a meter, or a hydrant please call our 24-hour line at (281) 342-0559 and a crew will be dispatched to investigate the situation and take appropriate actions.
What is the best way to turn the water off at my house in an emergency or for repairs? How?
You can turn the water off inside your home / building at the main valve. The main valve is generally located where the water service enters the house / building. You should maintain this valve so it is easily accessed in case of an emergency. Do not turn off your water service at the valve located in the meter box. If you cannot turn your water off, and need emergency assistance, please call our 24-hour line at (281) 342-0559..
What can cause my water pressure to be low?
Several things can temporarily cause reduced water pressure in your home:
- Plugged or restricted screens on your faucets
- Malfunctioning or partially closed water valves in your home
- Water main breaks, firefighting, and hydrant flushing may affect the pressure
What can cause a rusty color in my water?
The rusty tint is caused by iron and calcium that is naturally occurring in water. Sudden changes in the system, such as when a fire hydrant is opened, can stir up the iron and calcium sediments that have been built on pipes and cause temporary discoloration. If you have rusty water, please call the 24-hour line at (281) 342-0559 and a crew will be sent to investigate. City crews will flush the lines through fire hydrants during the year to minimize the buildup of sediments in pipes, which helps reduce chances of discolored water.
Can I paint the fire hydrant near my home to make it more decorative?
No. The color of our hydrants is designed to allow it to stand out from its surroundings and make it easily identified by fire fighters. Also, the color on the top of the hydrant identifies the flow that can be expected from that particular hydrant.
There are colored paint marks in the grass and on the road in my neighborhood. What does this mean?
These paint marks are probably placed by utility locating crews, and they identify the location of underground utilities for scheduled excavation. Red indicates electric, orange indicates telephone or cable TV, yellow indicates gas, blue indicates water, and green indicates sewer.
Is the City of Richmond's water system fluoridated?
The City of Richmond does not add fluoride to our water systems. we generally average .30 mg/L (milligrams per liter) of fluoride which is naturally occurring in our water at the present time. This level of fluoride is well below the EPA's maximum contaminant level goal of 4 mg/L. It is not necessary for us to remove this amount of fluoride from our drinking water. Water samples are being constantly collected and monitored for any changes.